Serving in NOM

Experiences Elder Jones has shared while serving in the Nebraska Omaha Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Reflections about personal growth

This week was not easy, but like Elder Holland once said missionary work was never meant to be easy, since it was never easy for Him. But, I have grown quite a bit . I got punched by the Spirit and learned the valuable lesson of completely forgetting yourself and focusing on others.
 I thought about my personal growth like you said and a lot of things came to mind. I read my patriarcal blessing and that shed some light on how I've grown and how my mission has helped like it my blessing said it would..that was amazing to read and understand it more now that I'm on my mission. I feel my maturity and reverence toward the gospel has grown immensely. The living reality of the restored gospel has become a part of me. I know it's true. There is no way I can deny it. I know I have a lot to learn still, but I trust in God that He will help me become who I need to be more and more each day.  It amazes me how before my mission, the way I viewed things, but now, I see it completely different, I see it from an eternal perspective. I have grown to love the scriptures. I have grown to need to pray every day. I have grown to see others differently than I did before, to see them as children of God...I know after my mission to see them as such will be slightly more difficult but I will always love them. I have grown to listen and heed to church leaders, the prophet, those in stewardship over me. I have come to learn from the Spirit. It's hard sometimes but it's real. I have come to know with certainty that this is the Lord's work. That He truly lives. I have not seen Him, I do not have a mathematical formula or picture, but I have felt His influence. I know He lives. I know that the Scriptures are true and so very real. I know that the heavens are open today and that God has called a prophet and speaks today through one. Jesus Christ leads His church…. I have grown. :) 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a powerful testimony! Great pictures too. Of course I'm a little bias to those.;P The diagram of the mission program is hilarious!Keep up the great work Elder Jones!
